Thursday, February 27, 2014


I've always been a lover of cookies....It was my trademark thing to make when I first started baking in middle school! My dad worked for a bakery for a short period of time and he loved to bake as a hobby. He taught me the basics and it's where my passion for food and baking blossomed :)

I still love making cookies but this was my first venture in trying out biscotti and it turned out great! Traditional biscotti has no butter and more crispy than chewy. It's even more delicious when dipped in coffee!  The recipe I used is the perfect consistency of being crisp but not break your teeth hard. The recipe is a very good one BUT the cooking time is too long. I REPEAT if you don't want the biscotti to be rock hard do not cook it as long as it says.  It says to bake 50 minutes the first time around and 20 minutes on each side the 2nd and 3rd. I cut time in half and baked for 35 minutes then 15 minutes on each side and it turned out much better. I also melted some chocolate and dipped the ends in :)

***Don't skip the amaretto and make sure to toast those almonds, they really bring out the flavor! All you have to do is throw the almonds and roast in oven for ten minutes at 350!


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