Tuesday, July 22, 2014



I have been HARDCORE slacking on the blog here guys.  I have been quite busy though! :) The wedding planning is coming full fledge and we are only about two months away! I can't wait to see all this work I've done :) I am also training for a half marathon right after the wedding which I am SUPER pumped about. After running all these months I didn't think I could do it but it has actually been a lot of fun and very self fulfilling....now on to pesto!

Pesto is a delicious condiment to add to TONS of different recipes. Ways to use pesto other than pasta

It's also ridiculously easy to make! It's so much better than some of the store bought stuff out there that has all the extra additives and weird aftertastes.....who wants that?? 

There is also a whole world of pesto's besides basil and pine nuts! PESTO GALORE

Now enjoy the rest of this hot summer and make some pesto! This is pesto we will be having at our wedding!!! :) 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Growing up all I ever had was the prepackaged and boxed orville redenbacher popcorn. I now have come to find how HORRIBLE that stuff is for you. READ THIS

Besides pre-packaged popcorn being so bad for you, do you know HOW EASY it is to make your own popcorn//? It's a million times better and you can come up with so many different POPCORN variations :)

You don't even need a popcorn maker! They are a great addition to a kitchen, but all you need is a pot, lid, and oil! Popcorn is also pretty healthy for you as well Check it out here.

I'll leave you with a basic popcorn recipe, now get poppin ;)